At its heart are many mature trees including the quintessential English Oaks which are about 400 years old.

There are many historical features Stone masonary - most of which was acquired from Evesham Abbey in the 16th century. The Stocks have links to our medieval past. These were used for torture and humiliation of Bretforton villagers. Fortunately for them this practice stopped about 200 years ago.

The walled garden contains many show borders it was designed by Paul Williams. Our tropical garden is south facing against a wall so reaches high temperatures in the summer. At its centre is the koi pond with a fountain, bordered by roses and standard laurels. It has a purple and white colour scheme The swimming pool border is all about colour it contains peach and plum trees, sunflowers and masses of wonderful dahlias .

The croquet lawn borders - provide all year interest. Of particular note are the New Zealand Flaxs, Annabelle hydrangeas, roses and and an amazing display of bulbs in Spring.

Our sensory area on the with grasses, scented plants and many colourful wild flowers is a wonderful place to sit and hear the birds sing. Our meadow contains lots of bulbs which flower in succession from Feb to late May.

The waterfall border has a spectacular willow tree and maples around our lake.

The orchard contains rhubarb and apple trees which are a legacy from the Ashwins.

Contact us to book a tour - we are offering private garden tours on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.